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  The Mageborn Saga, Volume 1

  Dayne Edmondson

  Published by Dark Star Publishing, 2018.

  While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.


  First edition. March 13, 2018.

  Copyright © 2018 Dayne Edmondson.

  ISBN: 978-0998426341

  Written by Dayne Edmondson.

  Also by Dayne Edmondson

  Schooled in Sorcery

  Ascended into Magic

  The Dark Tide Trilogy




  The Mageborn Saga


  The Cursed Tower

  Halls of Light

  The Magical Madelyn Mayfield

  Madelyn and the Unicorn Beach

  The Seven Stars Universe

  Ghost Ranger

  Space Commando

  The Shadow Trilogy

  Blood and Shadows

  Time of Shadows

  Shadows Fall


  The Complete Dark Tide Trilogy

  The Complete Shadow Trilogy

  Watch for more at Dayne Edmondson’s site.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Also By Dayne Edmondson



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Connect with the Author:

  Other Books in the Seven Stars Universe

  Review This Book and Receive a Free Copy of the Next

  The Cursed Tower Excerpt (Available Now)

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  Further Reading: The Cursed Tower

  Also By Dayne Edmondson

  About the Author

  About the Publisher

  Typo Log

  I want to extend a big thank you to the members of my ARC team who pointed out typos or other grammatical or spelling errors in this book:

  Edward Cooke Michelle Pan Cath McTernan Saundra Wright Richard


  Seventeen years ago

  “Give up, you can’t win,” John shouted over the tempest swirling around him and his companions. The sun stood high above them. I think it’s high noon, he thought. Too bad he didn’t have a pistol to end this fight quick. Rather, too bad a pistol, even if he had one, couldn’t end this. Just a little longer, he thought as his skin warmed.

  Across the field, Valdorf stood, cape swirling behind him, clouds of shadow energy rising out of the ground and curling up his legs to envelop him. His eyes glowed red as he glared at John and the others. He pointed a gauntleted finger toward them. “You are more foolish than I thought.” His voice boomed effortlessly across the battlefield. “Instead of fighting each other we could be ruling together. The mundanes of this world,” he pointed upward, toward Tar Ebon and the Tower situated behind John, “are in need of firm guidance and strength. Who better to give them strength than mages?”

  “This isn’t the way to go about helping mankind, Valdorf. You risk destroying the world, not saving it!” Have to buy more time, keep him talking.

  “Sometimes sacrifices must be made for the greater good. Like an infected arm being sliced off to prevent rot. What rises from the ashes will be stronger than what came before.”

  “Funny, I was just thinking the same thing about you. You’re an infection, a plague on the Tower, a disgrace to the order.”

  “Enough talk,” Ashley shouted from John’s left.

  John sighed. Hadn’t she heard his thought where he said keep him talking?

  Flames erupted around her in a whirlwind of red, orange, and yellow tinged with white. “Do you surrender, Valdorf?”

  Valdorf threw back his head and bellowed a deep laugh. “Oh, such confidence. You think because you are chosen you can destroy what is beyond your comprehension. Let me show you true power!” He clenched the gauntleted hand into a fist and the seven gems fitted into it started to glow, like the colors of the rainbow. The ground began to shake, and a rupture split the earth in front of him. It spread in a jagged line toward the companions.

  The wind rushed past John to swirl around and above Jason like a tornado. Dude, I just combed my hair for this battle, John thought.

  Ashley nodded to her brother and slapped her wrists together while bending her hands in a cupping motion, as though she were catching a softball. The flames around her legs, body and arms channeled into the gap between her hands, forming a condensed ball of pure fire. She sent it rocketing toward the evil mage. The flames left her hands and she turned them downward and rocked back on one foot as a wave of pressure cascaded out in a cone toward the rupture in the earth. The ground rippled in front of her and met the crevasse formed by Valdorf’s power, stopping its progress.

  At the same time, Jason raised his hands high and focused the tornado into a thinner form. Ice formed in the walls of the tornado, increasing the lethality of the weapon and threatening to shred the target into pieces. He bent the cyclone and pointed it toward Valdorf like the maw of a dragon waiting to swallow its prey.

  Thunder boomed overhead, and clouds materialized to the flanks of the sun. Lightning burst from the ground, surging through Alivia, and met every cloud. She raised a hand and directed a stream of lightning toward Jason’s tornado, infusing it with electricity.

  Here it goes, John thought as he watched the first strike. Let this buy us some time.

  It might even work, Ashley said through their bond.

  Oh, now you respond. You’re not supposed to be the optimist.

  Fire, wind, ice, and lightning surged toward their foe. First the flames, engulfing the man. No screams erupted from his lungs. Next the tempest came, obscuring John’s view of the burning man as he imagined ice cutting him to ribbons, lightning frying his internal organs, and wind stripping the flesh from whatever was left and scattering the pieces to the wind. He closed his eyes, praying this worked.

  It didn’t.

  An explosion of shadow energy erupted from where Valdorf stood. The fire, wind, ice and lighting hurled back like water in a puddle when a bridge drops into it. In the gap, their enemy stood, gauntlet still glowing, completely unscathed. Not even a hair out of place. He smirked. “Did you honestly think that would work? That basic elements could stop me?”

  John shrugged. “It was worth a try. Tell her to get ready,” he said softly in the calm following the literal storm, to Jason, who nodded. Almost...sunlight continued to stream into him and...there, he felt filled. “But now it’s my turn.” He smiled and focused all the sunlight in his body, and all around him, into a single point of light. It hovered above his outstretched hand. The sky and surrounding land went dark as midnight, as if a giant dome had covered everything but a small hole above John. Light streamed down like water through a funnel. The point of light grew. “Now!” he shouted toward Jason.

  A cloud of shadow appeared a few meters in front of Valdorf. The cloud materialized into Bridgette, wearing her traditional black clothing, and Dawyn, wearing his now-traditional black armor. He held his dual blades, both as dark as the surrounding landscape, aloft to form an X. It was time.

  John sent the light streaming toward the crossed blades, focusing it on the point where the two blades met. At first, nothing happened. John amped it up, sending everything he had toward the blades. Every ounce of light he could channel. He felt as if the sun itself would go cold with how much light he was drawing in. A chill ran up his back as even the light, and thus the heat imparted by it, within himself left to join the veritable army of light congregating in the dark blades. Finally, the blades glowed. First orange, then red, then finally white as they became the embodiment of his power.

  The mage-forged blades retained their shape. As the stream of light winked out and the sun shone on the surrounding landscape, Dawyn separated the blades and held them to his side. What happened next, happened literally, in the blink of an eye. One moment, Dawyn was standing there, the next, he was in front of Valdorf, who had begun to lift his gauntlet to defend himself or strike Dawyn, with his blades hilt-deep in the man’s chest.

  Shadow energy streamed from their foe’s mouth, which had opened in shock. “No,” he croaked into the still air. “Im...possible.”

  Dawyn slid the blades out and Valdorf fell to his knees. Bridgette stepped forward and yanked the shadow gauntlet off his hand. She slipped her right hand into it and opened her hand wide. “Time to go,” she said. Ribbons of shadow like that which possessed him earlier now lashed out like ropes to wrap around him. The shadow encompassed him and muffled his final words by slipping inside his mouth and down his throat. Then, when not a piece of flesh or clothing was visible, the shadow turned to mist and the mist evaporated in the sunlight.

  John and Ashley le
t out a “whoop,” Jason fell to his knees and Alivia stared blankly at the place Valdorf had been.

  Dawyn sheathed his blades, now devoid of light and returned to their black form and walked toward the companions. “Good plan, John.”

  John held out a fist. “Fist bump.”

  Dawyn ignored the gesture and continued past John toward the city. “I will not fist bump you.”

  “One day you will, bro.”

  The knight just shook his head and continued walking.

  Bridgette approached Jason, took his hands in hers, and brought him back to a standing position. She held his head in her hands and planted a long kiss on his lips. “I love you.”

  Jason smiled and looked down at his wife. “I love you too, honey.”

  John looked at Ashley and held his arms out wide. He raised an eyebrow.

  Ashley just looked at him and shook her head. “Not when you’re that smug.”

  “Oh come on.” He threw up his hands. “I just, like, single-handedly saved the day.”

  “Good thing you’re not wearing a hat. Your head might explode.”

  “Alivia will give me a hug. Won’t you?”

  The young mage blinked and shook her head to clear it, then focused on John. “What? A hug? Ummm...sure.” She stood still as John approached and gave her a hug, but made no move to return the embrace.

  Do you think she’s okay? John asked through the bond mid-embrace.

  I’ll talk with her, Ashley replied.

  John met her gaze and nodded, then disengaged from the hug. Yeah, some girl talk could do her good, I guess. He offered a smile to Alivia, who had already turned her gaze down to study the dry ground, and turned his focus on Bridgette’s hand. “What are we going to do about that?” he asked aloud, pointing at the shadow gauntlet.

  “It’s too powerful to leave laying around,” Ashley said. “Can it be destroyed?”

  “No,” Jason and Alivia said in unison. Jason cleared his throat but deferred to Alivia. “The gauntlet cannot be destroyed by mortal methods. The records say it was forged in the heart of a void star.”

  “What the heck is a void star?” John asked. He hadn’t exactly been paying attention much during their briefings about the coming battle. He’d been more interested in planning his heroic moves to get the job done. He thought at the time they could worry about super weapons later.

  “It’s the reflection of our sun in the shadow realm,” Bridgette answered. “I can see it in the sky when I shift.”

  “But you can’t reach it?”

  “No. I haven’t figured out how to leave the atmosphere or even leave the ground in that place.”

  “How do you know it’s even possible?” Ashley asked.

  “The legends the Founders left told of using shifting to bring the arc ships here,” Jason chimed in. “It stands to reason shifting must work in space.”

  “Nice,” John said. He snapped his fingers. “Oh, where did you send the V-mister anyway?”

  “I imprisoned his body in the shadow realm.”

  “But I thought Dawyn’s blades killed him.”

  “He wasn’t human.”

  “We don’t know what he was, exactly,” Jason said. “We suspect he was part-human and part something else. He obviously had some control over the shadow realm for him to get the gauntlet from it.”

  “Was that info in the briefing?” John asked. He didn’t think he’d missed that much.

  “No. It wasn’t mission-critical information,” Bridgette explained.

  “This isn’t spec-ops,” Ashley snapped. “You should have told us what you were going to do. We thought Dawyn would just stab him, he would bleed out and die. Now you’re saying you sent him someplace else?”

  “It wouldn’t have made any difference,” Bridgette said stiffly. “I did what had to be done.”

  “You always do,” Ashley muttered.

  “What was that?” Bridgette asked, taking a step toward her.

  “Whoa, whoa,” John said. “Let’s take it down a notch, ladies. You’re sisters.”

  “In-law,” the two said in unison.

  John chuckled. “Jinx.”

  Nobody laughed before sobering. “Okay, okay, listen, big bad is in the shadow realm, it’s done, it’s over, he’s dead.” Bridgette did not contradict him, so he continued. “Let’s talk about the gauntlet. What are you going to do with it?”

  “I’m going to hide it somewhere no one will ever find it,” Bridgette said cryptically. “It’s safer if you don’t know where.”

  John shrugged. “Fair enough. Take it away, Bridgette, and let’s hope nobody ever finds it.” He looked across the field to where Valdorf’s followers were galloping away. “Should we chase after them?”

  Bridgette didn’t even spare them a glance. “They were worms thinking they would feast on the corpse of Tar Ebon, nothing more. Without this,” she lifted her hand, “they’re nothing.”

  “I hope you’re right.” If you’re not, humanity could be doomed.

  Chapter 1

  “Ethan!” Emma shouted.

  “What?” Ethan turned around, wooden practice sword in his hand. Sunlight reflected off his brown hair.

  Emma idly wondered how her brother managed to keep his hair in good shape despite the north wind whipping down the narrow alley, heralding the coming of winter. Her own hair whipped behind her, probably making her head look like a tentacled monster. “Don’t you remember what Dad said?”

  “Oh come on! We’re just having a little fun.” As if conscious of her thoughts and her jealousy, he ran a hand through his hair. He then pointed his sword behind him. “Besides, Tam doesn’t have a shot at actually beating me.”

  Emma rolled her eyes. Her brother tended to have an overinflated opinion of his combat prowess. A fact which had not escaped their father. “You’re going to get hurt. Don’t come crying to me, or Dad, when you do.”

  “Don’t be such a worry-wart. You sound just like Mom.” He turned to face his blond-haired opponent. “Where were we, Tam?”

  “You were about to get beat, pretty boy, and your sister came to rescue you.” He smirked, revealing crooked teeth. “I would listen to her. Run along back to mommy and daddy.”

  Ethan stood up straighter and his hand clenched his sword so hard the flesh turned white.

  “Ethan...” she warned.

  He ignored her, and instead added his second hand to the first and raising the blade high in the air.

  Her idiot brother was going to get himself hurt. He’d be lucky if he only got a black eye, bloody nose, or some minor bruises. She clenched her own fists in frustration. Why did boys have to be so stubborn? Their mother always talked about “pride” and “honor”, words usually accompanied by the rolling of her eyes.

  Ethan swung his blade down with all his might. But instead of striking his opponent, the blade slashed through empty air and lodged in the ground as Tam side-stepped the strike and stepped on the blade.

  “Too slow, mama’s boy,” Tam taunted. He swung his blade and hit Ethan’s left hand, causing the latter to recoil and yelp in pain. “Or is it daddy’s boy?”

  “Shut up!” Ethan shouted, backing away and clutching his injured hand to his chest.

  “Awe, did I hurt little Ethan’s feelings?” Tam mocked, twirling his blade. “I thought you were almost a man. I guess you’re just a scared little boy.”

  “Ethan,” Emma shouted in warning. This was how he always got in trouble. There was a reason their father warned him specifically against fighting. He had a temper. And that was what bullies fed upon.

  More boys and some girls had arrived, drawn by the shouting. They trickled down the sides of the alley and form two ragged columns flanking the boyhood battleground. Their presence had not gone unnoticed, either, for Ethan looked from side to side, his face growing redder. He straightened up, fists clenched at his side in wordless rage. So much rage for sixteen. Her father blamed it on something he called puberty, a time during which boys and girls, reached adulthood, while her mother said it was more specifically “hormones,” or something in his blood which made him act irrationally sometimes.